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By now I don't need to tell you the importance of storing water for an EMP, hurricane, earthquake, financial collapse, civil unrest, or any other major disaster. Water is extremely important (humans...
When the average person thinks about preparing their family for an emergency, they usually focus on food and often neglect water. Humans can survive up to three weeks without food but only three days...
Dry foods are a fantastic emergency food to store away. Dry foods are foods that are generally sold in bulk (usually by the pound) and are typically grains or other foods that contain an extremely...
MREs (or "Meals Ready to Eat") are individually packed and self contained meals. They are designed to be shelf stable and are best known for their use by military combat troops during deployment....
Storing canned foods as a means to be prepared for any type of emergency goes back hundreds of years. Nicolas Appert, who is known as "the father of canning", perfected the art of...
Freeze drying (also known as Lyophilization) is a method of preserving food in such a way that will prevent microbial growth in the food and drastically reduce its weight in the process. This is...